Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Organization Strengthens Your Mind September 30, 2014

This column is from an advertisement for a memory enhancing supplement I received. I feel it is so worthwhile I am passing it along to you. Everyone can benefit from becoming better organized.





 When a loved one starts to experience cognitive decline, every task required to get through the day becomes increasingly difficult. With these difficulties, comes frustration, anger, sadness and a number of other emotions. By understanding the feelings associated with the loss of certain levels of control over one’s self and environment, it is easier to make the changes necessary to get through the day.


 Adding some structure can make a BIG difference!  Organizing the day, week, or month will help those with memory impairment to be and feel successful. The first step is identifying the best way to begin putting things in order. As you plan consider that there have been a number of studies on “right brain” versus “left brain” and how dominance of one side over the other determines how people see things visually, and therefore, how they would organize to meet their personal preferences.


Beth Randall, owner of JOE ORGANIZER, and a professional organizer, provides some great examples. She states that “right-brain thinkers are more visually oriented…they want to see their things, and have them in sight. They tend to be more creative and think in images.” Whereas “left-brain thinkers are more logical and analytical, they like lists and planning in advance.” When she helps organize, she looks at these tendencies, and creates her plan. Her one basic rule, important for anyone looking to improve their lives through organization, is to, “have a place and a process for everything in your home…get into the habit of putting things back where you have defined that they go right when you are through with them, or right when you walk in the door…Have a place for everything.”


When it comes to structure and the aging or declining brain, it is also important to de-clutter and stay organized. As there are no methods to completely prevent cognitive decline, however, putting strategies in place and “training your brain” to do them daily will both make the day easier, and keep the brain active. Many caregivers understand that any effort to organize the world around the ones they care for will help. Getting them involved in the changes as much as possible will help too! They should have a say in planning their day whenever they can. Have them sit with you as you write out their daily or weekly schedule on a white board or calendar that they can see easily. Make sure appointments, transportation details, and contact information is clearly visible.


In addition to planning their time, it is a great idea to make some decorating changes. Keep in mind the way they like things, keeping important items easy to reach and find, as Beth Randall suggests. Have your loved one play a role, challenge their brains by making decisions on how colors go together, how photos can be arranged on the wall, and even how furniture might be moved to provide more space for easier navigation.



To further improve cognitive functioning for yourself or someone else you know who is showing signs of memory loss,

visit www.ThinkPerceptiv.com!

Sevo Nutraceuticals, Inc. |  800 Main Street, Holden, MA  01520 |  (508) 829-8046  |  www.thinkperceptiv.com


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Monday, September 22, 2014

Love an Elder Day-- September 22, 2014

What an idea!
Who is an elder? Does she have to look frail to be considered one?
Is there an age limit?
How do we show love for an elder?
My idea? An  elder is someone older than I am , someone  whom I respect and admire, someone perhaps whom I take for granted that she will always be here and perhaps do not show her or tell her how much she means to me.
October first, as the poster says would be that day. Join me please in showing love to an elder on October first--and any day--we never know how long we have to show someone we care. 

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Geese Follow - Do I? September 14, 2014

I met a woman this week who had herself tested for the possibility she would develop Alzheimer's disease.
She has many relatives on both sides of her family who died of Alzheimer's disease and she was curious to know what her chances were of developing this dreadful disease. She is in her late 50's or early 60's. I didn't ask her age.
Of course her expereince made me think. Do I want to get tested? Do I want to know? How would my life be different if I knew?
Could knowing I had a larger than average chance of developing Alzheimer's disease help me in any way?
Could it help you?

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Looking Back September 4, 2014

Looking back with regret for the road not taken, looking back with anger at relationships from the past, looking back at all --we are advised is not good for us. We are to look forward, abandon the idea of what we thought our life would be, accept the reality of life as it is and move forward. 
Satchel Paige said, "Don't look back. Whoever is behind you may be catching up with you."--another reason for not looking back.

When you love a person who has Alzheimer's disease, it is difficult not to look back fondly remembering the times you once shared and regretting the present loss of companionship. Each diminishes the present and I try not to remain there too long.

Last evening I sat by the water reading my book and watching the sun set; it was warm, pleasant and lovely. After the sun was no longer visible on the horizon, the  sky began to darken and my thoughts turned toward dinner as I meandered my way back home--which was north.

As I walked I noticed folks with cameras outstretched facing behind me. Curious, I turned, looked back and beheld a sky colored with huge swirls of pink and purple. Sometimes it pays not to be so intent on the next event, idea, thought and purpose and to take the time to look back. The beauty you may behold is worth the delay.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Return Are All your Ducks in a Row? September 2, 2014

We think of returning in September. We return from vacation, we return to school, we turn ourselves toward the new season and to our pursuits with more energy, more optimism, fresh from the summer doldrums. Are you ready?

Have you returned home, to see your space anew, perhaps seeing new tasks that will need to be done, perhaps admiring the place that has accumulated your memories from the past?
For most of us, we return slightly different from who we were before we left. We have had some time for new experiences which add to our knowledge of ourselves. We have met new people and reacquainted ourselves with old friends. We have proudly shared our accomplishments from the past year-- and perhaps we have considered our failures anew. We have the opportunity to see ourselves through a new set of lenses. Our friends and family who live far away remember who we were last time they saw us so we have the opportunity to see ourselves through their eyes. Do you see the change in yourself?

For the Jewish community, September is the beginning of a new lunar year 5775, a time to join with others in a prayer for peace and for the courage and the strength to accomplish our goals for the next year. For me, I appreciate even more the importance of raising money to advance research into Alzheimer's disease. I miss my husband so much; he is alive in body only, eight years after a diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease, 
this dread illness that robs people of their judgment, their self-care skills and their memories.