Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Tuesday, April 3, 2012 BookExpoAmerica

I have very exciting news today. I have signed up to be an exhibitor at BookExpoAmerica, where 20,000 book publishing, writing and affiliated media people will have the possibility of seeing my book and where, hopefully, I will find a distributor! Check out their website's rather overwhelming, so much so that I didn't get this post written on Tuesday.
I spoke at Fountains of the Sun active adult community yesterday about the legal paperwork everyone needs to have in place while we are healthy, especially for snowbirds who need to see which documents are valid in which state, the definition of Alzheimer's disease and how it differs from dimentia, the ten warning signs or symptoms of Alzheimer's disease and answered the questions of audience members.
In the news, my heart is filled with sorrow for the family members of Charles Snelling, who killed his Alzheimer diseased wife and then shot himself. I understand the stress he was in, and I even understand how he might have wanted his wife's torment to end and then his inability to cope with the grief ending her life caused him, but really now, all of his family members will feel guilt and responsibility for not having done more to help their parents and grandparents. What he did was so wrong; our society really needs to rethink how we handle aging, how right Hillary Clinton is, but not only for children. It takes a village to support aging relatives as well.

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