Thursday, June 28, 2012

Health Care Reform Act wins SupremeCourt Approval

There are many acts in the new 2000 page law. Here are some which affect older Americans and those with limited incomes.

Title II. The Role of Public Programs
This title creates substantial changes to Medicaid, the federal-state program for many low-income persons. Beginning in 2014, all lower-income individuals will be eligible to enroll in their state's Medicaid program, not just those who fit into categories such as disabled, children, or parents. For the first time, Medicaid will become a more uniform national program with uniform eligibility and enrollment standards as well as quality improvement requirements.

 Title VI has a provision which will prevent elder abuse
The Elder Justice Act provides a national framework to combat violence, neglect, and financial exploitation of senior citizens.

Title VII. Improving Access to Innovative Medical Therapies
This title directs the US Food and Drug Administration to develop a regulatory pathway to permit the development, manufacture, marketing, and sale of biosimilar biologic products, generic-like versions of biopharmaceutical drugs. It also ends anticompetitive efforts to keep generic drugs off the market, and offers drug discounts to hospitals and communities that serve low-income patients.

These are all good progressive health measures. Our country will be better, our health will be improved and healthcare costs will come down. This is a long term process which will regulate and reduce the health insurance industry that for too long prevented people from getting the coverage they needed to fight severe illnesses.www.facebook/phylliswpalmphd

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